Do you know how to speak about ANIMALS IN SPANISH?
Animals in Spanish are said «LOS ANIMALES«, ANIMAL in singular and it is a masculine noun. Students registered in our Premium Service can get a copy of our pdf sheets, just by leaving a message in the comment. After that practice with the quizzes below.
Haz clic en el vínculo para saber como hacer el género del nombre de los animales o para aprender expresiones idiomáticas (idioms) con animales.
Practice the name of animals in Spanish with our quizzes
Now it´s time to practice what you have learned with our interactive exercises, but don’t forget to contact your tutor with any question you have or to ask for more homework about this topic. Don’t you have a Spanish personal tutor yet?
Please send me a copy of the animal worksheet.
[email protected]
Hola Char, te envio (I send you) la lamina (Worksheet) de animales por email hoy.
Please send me a copy of the animales worksheet. [email protected]
Hola, Lisa. Of course, we send it to you by email. I hope you find it useful. Hasta pronto.
Hello, I would like to receive this vocabulary.
Thank you! 🙂
may i have a copy of your chart please
Hola, Tracy. Lo enviamos por email. Hasta pronto.
Unos recursos estupendos. Me encantan. Me podríais mandar una copia por favor?
me mandáis el pdf porfa? muchas gracias
Por supuesto, Dorothy. Ya te lo hemos enviado.
Please send me a copy of Animales PDF.