10 Ejercicios para deletrear en español – Spell out in Spanish

DELETREAR EN ESPAÑOL, I mean spelling in Spanish, will be basic for you if you are learning Spanish. You must know well and use confidently the  Spanish alphabet (here you can practice it). You’re going to need to spell in Spanish and understand when other people spell all the time.

 For this reason, we have prepared TEN GAMES for you to learn to spell by playing.


¿Puedes deletrearlo, por favor?

Can you spell it, please? Probably this is something that you will need to repeat often. We have prepared a memory game with the names of some countries. Listen to the audios, write what you hear on a piece of paper and search for the corresponding country.

¿Quieres deletrear en español mejor? In that case, continue with the second activity. Listen to the spelled words and mark them, in the same order, on the image, to discover the secret letter.

¿Cómo se escribe tu nombre?

How do you write your name? Now we have a crossword, that will help you to answer when someone asks you «How do you write your name?».  Complete the crossword by writing the first names you hear spelled out. By the way, first name in Spanish is said «nombre propio» or «nombre de pila«.


Now a little faster. You must listen to the audio, put the letters in order by clicking on them and discover the secret word. Don’t forget to repeat, remember that practice makes perfect and DELETREAR EN ESPAÑOL ES FÁCIL.

I hope you enjoyed these Spanish spelling activities. Click on the link if you want to practice the ALFABETO ESPAÑOL more. By the way, did you know that in Spanish we also call the alphabet EL ABECEDARIO? This is because the A, B, C, of course ¡Hasta pronto!

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