Do you know how to talk about FAMILY IN SPANISH?
Family in Spanish is said «LA FAMILIA«. Today we are going to learn the name of the family members (miembros de la familia) in Spanish. Students registered in our Premium Service can get a copy of our pdf sheets, just by leaving a message in the comments. After that practice the vocabulary with our quizzes below.
In Spanish when we are talking about a group of people including men and women we use the masculines plural. For example «hermanos» can be translated as brothers or siblings; «padres» means parents, not fathers. We usually say something like this: Tengo dos hijos, un niño y una niña (I have two children a boy and a girl).
Move for a male to a female is very easy, most names of family members just change the ending to «a»: hermano – hermana, hijo – hija, abuelo – abuela…
Learn in context how to talk about family members in Spanish
To see how to describe your family in Spanish you need to see this vocabulary in context, you can do it with the video with subtitles below or listen to a podcast about this topic too. Also, if you prefer, you can learn this vocabulary with flashcards.
Practice the vocabulary you have learned with our quizzes.
Before start working with the vocabulary with the quizzes, it will be also very useful to practice the Spanish possessive adjectives and remember to contact your tutor with any question you have or to ask for more homework. Don’t you have a Spanish personal tutor yet?
La familia más popular del mundo
Probablemente los Simpsons son la familia más popular del mundo, aquí tienes su árbol genealógico, para escribir un pequeño texto explicando quien es quien. Haz clic aquí si quieres ver como suena la familia Simpson en español.
I’d like a copy of the pdf por favor. 😊😊
Hola, te la envío por email.
Hi guys, may I have a copy of the pdf, please? Muchas gracias!
Puedo tener una copia, porfavor
Por supuesto, Julia. Te la enviamos por email. Espero que te sea de utiliada.
Can I have a copy please?
Por supuesto, María Emilia. Te la envío por email.
Hello, I would like to recieve this vocabulary.
Thank you! 🙂
Por supuesto. Te la enviamos.
Puedo tener una copia porfavor!
Por supuesto, María ¡Que gusto verte por aquí otra vez? Te la enviamos por email. Por cierto, si tienes alguna sugerencia para crear nuevas lámina, no dudes en comentarnos.
Por supuesto, Aurélie. Te enviamos la copia por email.
Wow, again, another great resource and of course, I would love a copy if possible please.
Thank you
In your translation «I have to children, a son and a daughter», it SHOULD be «I have TWO children, …»!
Gracias, Rufus.
Please send a copy that I can use with my students.
La verdad es que sois increíbles. Me mandas una copia de este pdf? Gracias!! ❤️
Buenos días, ya te lo hemos enviado por email, espero que te sea útil con tus alumnos y perdona por el retraso.
Muchas gracias, Soraya. Ya te las hemos enviado, espero que te sean de mucha utilidad.
Hello, I would like to receive this vocabulary.
Thank you!
Hola! I would be very grateful if you could please send me the copy of unit on Family/ Familia.
Thanks a lot.
Por supuesto, espero que te sea de utilidad.
Please send me the pdf of the family
Me encantaría el PDF de la familia para compartirlo con mis estudiantes!