Fruits in Spanish -La fruta- Spanish vocabulary A1

Do you know how to talk about FRUITS IN SPANISH?

Learn the name of fruits in Spanish with quizzesFruits in Spanish is said «LA FRUTA«. Today we are going to learn the name of  «FRUTAS» in Spanish. So please, first if you want a copy of the pdf sheet, just leave us a message in the comments and we will send it to you and practice with our quizzes below.

If you want to learn more about this topic you can also see the vocabulary regarding vegetables «VERDURAS« or food «ALIMENTOS«

In general,  the vocabulary in this activity are the names used in Spain, but not all the Spanis speaking countries use the same words to defined fruits, vegetables and some food in general. Look at the video where you can see some of these differences among countries in America.



Practice the vocabulary regarding fruits in Spanish with these quizzes

Before doing the interactive exercises, remember you can contact your tutor with any question you have. Don’t you have a Spanish personal tutor yet?


 cereza, kiwi, piña, fresa, uva, melón, melocotón, sandía, limón, higo, albaricoque, pera, manzana, naranja.

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