To ask for something or to ask a question, let’s see the difference between The Spanish verbs PEDIR and PREGUNTAR.
In Spanish, there are two verbs that can express the idea of “to ask.” There are differences between these verbs and when to use one or the other depends on the context in which it is used. They are not interchangeable.
The Spanish verbs PEDIR and PREGUNTAR
1. Use PEDIR to ask for or request an object, a service, or a favor:
¿Por qué no le pides el diccionario a Marta? (Why don’t you ask Martha for her dictionary?).
Me pidió, muy amablemente, que no fumara allí (He kindly asked me not smoke there).
Nosotros les pedimos permiso a nuestros padres (We asked our parents’ permission).
2. Use PREGUNTAR to ask a question or request information:
Me preguntó si se podía fumar en el taxi (He asked me if smoking was allowed in the taxi).
¿Preguntaste a qué hora llega el tren? (Did you ask at what time the train arrive?).
Me preguntó que cómo me llamaba (He asked me what my name was).
Conjugations of the verbs PEDIR and PREGUNTAR
PREGUNTAR is a regular verb in all its tenses. Nevertheless, PEDIR is irregular in different tenses, click on the link to see the whole conjugation of pedir. Now you can practice what you have learned with this exercise. Remember you can contact your tutor with any questions you have about verbs PEDIR and PREGUNTAR. Don’t you have a Spanish tutor yet?