¿Te gusta aprender español? (Do you like to learn Spanish?) Today we are going to practice the Spanish verb GUSTAR with two videos completely different. As you probably already know, this verb works peculiarly since it always has to be used with an indirect object pronoun. Click on the link, if you want to see some grammar tips, examples, and interactive exercises about GUSTAR.
Me gusta mi gato
Let me introduce you to Emilio, a beautiful cat that is going to tell us what kind of things he likes to do «que cosas le gusta hacer» in this video with subtitles. Pay attention to how the sentences are built and repeat them several times.
Watch the video two or three times or as many times as you need, once you feel confident practice with the exercises below.
Now you have some quizzes, to check how much you have understood and learned with the video.
Me gustas tú
Now we are going to listen to a popular song by Manu Chao: Me gustas tú. As you can see Spanish verb GUSTAR can also be used to express feelings for a person. The video has the lyrics, look for the words you need in the dictionary. Remember that listen to music is a fantastic way to memorize vocabulary and new expressions.

Listen to the song as many times as you can, and click here to download a mp3 vesion.
Other verbs like GUSTAR
There are many verbs that work like gustar: encantar (to love something), molestar (to bother), interesar (to interest), doler (to hurt), importar (to be important)… Click on the link to learn more about these verbs.
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