The passive voice is simply a different way of expressing a thought. The order of the words is changed so that what used to receive the action now becomes the new subject.
Spanish PASSIVE voice examples
1. In the active voice, the subject normally performs an action. In the passive voice, the subject is acted upon. When the passive voice is used, its formation is similar to that in English: subject + form of ser + past participle (learn more about past participle) + por + passive subject.
Este edificio fue construido por Gaudí. (This building was constructed by Gaudí.)
Estas personas han sido invitadas por mi novia. (These people have been invited by my girlfriend.)
La fiesta será organizada por los miembros del club. (This party will be organized by the members of the club.)
Esta tienda es abierta por el administrador todos los días. (This store is opened by the administrator every day.)
2. Notice that, in the passive voice, the past participle is used as an adjective and agrees with the subject in gender and number.
La tarea fue realizada por Jorge y su hermano. (The homework was done by Jorge and his brother.)
Los regalos fueron traídos por Ramón. (The gifts were brought by Ramón.)
3. In Spanish, passive voice is not used as much as in English, quite often we use an impersonal sentence with “se” instead. In this case, the doer cannot be mentioned. Learn more about passive sentences with “se”
Se abre esta tienda todos los días ((This store is opened every day.)
Se hizo la tarea. (The homework was done.)
Se trajeron los regalos. (The gifts were brought)
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