Module 3 consists of three lessons with corresponding exercises. Once you have finished each lesson, click on the corresponding link to access their exercises:
- Unit 3A Rosa se levanta a las siete.
- Unit 3B ¿Estudias o trabajas?
- Unit 3C ¿Qué desayunas?
Module 03: Unit 3A Rosa se levanta a las siete
Have you finished lesson 3A of the book yet? In that case, it’s time to practice everything you’ve learned with six exercises. You can repeat them as many times as you want. Contact your tutor, by email, if you have difficulties solving any of them.
Relaciona (match) los infinitivos en español con su traducción (translation) al inglés.
Busca (look for) y relaciona (match) los infinitivos con verbos conjugados en el presente, en este juego de memory.
Ordena (arrange) las letras (letters) para formar los verbos conjugados.
Elige (choose) la conjugación correcta para cada verbo (each verb).
Rellena los huecos (fill the gaps) en las frases escribiendo los verbos y pronombres correspodientes.
Completa los huecos (fill the gaps) de frases, con las preposiciones correspondientes (regarding).
Module 03: Unit 3B ¿Estudias o trabajas?
Have you finished lesson 3A of the book yet? In that case, it’s time to practice everything you’ve learned with six exercises. You can repeat them as many times as you want. Contact your tutor, by email, if you have difficulties solving any of them.