Negative and short questions in Spanish
On today’s post, we are going to learn how to do negative and short questions in Spanish.
In English, you can say something like «You are Spanish, isn’t?». In Spanish, we do something similar all the time so these questions will be very useful and will make your Spanish sounds more natural. It is easier than you think, let’s start:

1. When you want to make a negative question in Spanish, we just have to put «no» before the verb in the same way that you do in statements (non-questions):
¿No vienes? (Aren’t you coming?)
¿No lo has visto? (Didn’t you see it?)
2. You can also use o no at the end of a question in the same way that it can be asked or not in English:
¿Vienes o no? (Are you coming or not?)
¿Lo quieres o no? (Do you want it or not?)
3. In English, it is possible to check whether facts and beliefs are correct by putting isn’t? In Spanish you can add ¿verdad? in the same way:
Hace calor, ¿verdad? (It’s hot, isn’t it?)
No te olvidarás, ¿verdad? (You won’t forget, will you?)
4. You can also use ¿no? but just after positive comments:
Hace calor, ¿no? (It’s hot, isn’t it?)
Te gusta, ¿no? (You like, don’t you?)
Practice negative and short questions
Learn more about how to make questions in Spanish and remember you can contact your tutor with any question you have about negative and short questions in Spanish. Don’t you have a Spanish personal tutor yet? Now let’s practice what you have learned with our quizzes.