Spanish negative sentences are really easy to create. In most cases, you simply have to put a «no» in front of whatever verb or verb phrase you want to negate.
No hablo alemán. (I don’t speak German.)
No vamos de vacaciones. (We don’t go on holidays.)
Mi marido no es alto. (My husband is not tall.)
More negative words
1. To provide additional information, you can use negative words. Negative words can be adjectives, pronouns, or adverbs.
No hay nadie en casa. (There is nobody at home.)
No quiero ni carne ni pescado. (I want neither meat nor fish.)
Carmen tampoco quiere carne. (Carmen neither wants meat.)
Notice that Spanish negative sentences may have two (or more) negative words. It is both common and expected to have a double negative in Spanish. It is also correct to respond with «no» twice as one answers the «yes/no» question and the second one negates the sentence.
2. «No» is not always necessary. You can also use a negative word in place of “no” or use a negative word alone in certain circumstances.
Nunca dice nada. (He never says anything.)
3. You always need a negative expression before the verbs.
Nadie vino a la fiesta. (Nobody came to the party.)
No vino a la fiesta nadie. (Nobody came to the party.)
4. Also never separate direct or indirect object pronouns from the verb. Place the negative word in front of these pronouns.
No me gusta el vino. (I don’t like wine.)
No lo hagas. (Don’t do it.)
You can also learn more about this topic by clicking on this link «negatives and short questions in Spanish«.
Spanish negative sentences quizzes and practice
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