Spanish reflexive pronouns are personal pronouns that complement reflexive verbs and agree with the sentence’s subject in person and number. Reflexive pronouns add a specific meaning to verbs and always refer to the subject, indicating that the action that the subject performs falls on him/her at the same time.
English-Spanish reflexive pronouns chart
Here, you have Spanish reflexive pronouns along with their English translations.
Spanish reflexive pronouns, how they work
In this video by Dr. Danny Evans, you will learn how the Spanish reflexive pronouns work.
We recap. Reflexive verbs in Spanish must be used with a reflexive pronoun to indicate that the subject is acting as the verb upon itself. Reflexive verbs exist in English but are much more common in Spanish. For instance, reflexive verbs usually involve parts of the body, clothing, or one’s state of mind. Here are some common reflexive verbs:
Los niños se lavan las manos (The children wash their hands).
Me pongo la falda (I wear my skirt).
¿A que hora te levantas (At what time do you get up)?
Reflexive pronouns in Spanish generally go before the verbs, like other personal pronouns.
Te duchas por la mañana (You shower in the morning).
Nevertheless, they go after an infinitive, a gerund, or an imperative affirmative:
Vas a ducharte (You are going to shower).
Estás duchándote (You are showering).
Dúchate (Go shower).
Reflexive verbs list
Here you have a list of very common verbs that need to be used with reflexive pronouns in Spanish to get this specific meaning, but there are many more:
Aburrirse | To get bored |
Acercarse | To get closer |
Acordarse | To remember |
Acostarse | To go to bed |
Acostumbrarse | To get used to |
Afeitarse | To shave |
Atreverse | To dare |
Casarse | To get married |
Cuidarse | To get tired |
Despedirse | To say good bye |
Despertarse | To wake up |
Dormirse | To fall asleep |
Ducharse | To take a shower |
Enamorarse | To fall in love |
Encontrarse | To feel/come across |
Enfadarse | To get upset |
Enterarse | To find out |
Equivocarse | To make a mistake |
Fijarse | To take notice |
Hacerse | To become |
Imaginarse | To imagine |
Irse | To leave |
Lavarse | To wash yourself up |
Levantarse | To get up |
Llamarse | To be named/called |
Maquillarse | To put on make up |
Meterse | To get into |
Parecerse | To look like |
Ponerse | To put on |
Preguntarse | To wonder |
Preocuparse | To worry |
Quedarse | To stay |
Quejarse | To complain |
Reírse | To laugh |
Sentarse | To sit down |
Sentirse | To feel |
Reflexive pronouns to express reciprocity
We are going to use the reflexive pronouns plural (nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ustedes) to indicate that two or more people are equally acting on each other. The most common translation is that two or more people do something to or with «each other», learn more about reciprocal verbs :
Ellos se hablan mucho (They often talk to each other).
Nosotras nos ayudamos siempre (We always help each other).
Some common reciprocal verbs are:
abrazarse (to hug each other) | conocerse (to know each other) | mirarse (to see each other) |
ayudarse (to help each other) | despedirse (to say good-bye to each other) | pelearse (to fight with each other) |
besarse (to kiss each other) | divorciarse (to divorce each other) | reunirse (to get together) |
casarse (to marry each other) | estrellarse (to crash into each other) | turnarse (to take turns) |
Reflexive pronouns activities and quizzes
Now you can practice everything that you have learned with the exercises below. Remember to contact your tutor with any questions you have about Spanish reflexive pronouns. Don’t you have a Spanish personal tutor yet?
Lorem fistrum por la gloria de mi madre esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar.