In today’s lesson, we are going to study the conjugation, in the present tense, of Spanish verbs ending with ER, they are called “verbos de la segunda conjugación” (verbs of the second conjugation). Before starting make sure you have seen the lesson corresponding to the verbs ending in AR, since it is the largest group.
In any case, within the group of verbs ending in ER, there are some verbs as useful and commonly used as comer (to eat), beber (to drink), hacer (to do/make), tener (to have), leer (to read), ver (to see/watch)… Below you have a complete list of these verbs and here you can see their conjugation of the present tense with the endings marked in red.
Anyway, the best thing is that you see some examples:
No como carne, soy vegetariana (I don’t eat meat, I am a vegetarian).
¿Qué haces normalmente los domingos (What do you normally do on Sundays?).
Carlos lee muchos libros sobre Egipto (Carlos reads many books about Egypt).
Por la noche, vemos la televisión ante de dormir (At night we watch televisión before sleeping).
Tu marido y tú tenéis una casa muy bonita (You and your husband have a very nice house).
Mis hijos beben muchos zumos (My children drink a lot of juices).
List of Spanish verbs that end in ER
To begin with, you must learn the meaning of this list of infinitives of verbs ending in -er. Click on the link to see their full conjugation:
The verbs marked with an asterisk are irregular in the present tense, however, they have the same endings that you have seen above:
Siempre hago mis deberes de español (I always do my Spanish homework).
Elena tiene dos perros y un gato (Elena has two dogs and one cat).
Las tiendas cierran a las 21:00 (Shops close at 9:00 p.m.).
There are only three Spanish verbs: SER (to be), SABER (to know), HABER (to have -auxiliary), that do not follow this pattern completely.
Exercises with verbs ending with ER
Practice makes perfect, so now we are going to practice the verbs of the second conjugation, with three exercises.