Ways of talking about the future: Spanish grammar (A2)

There are different ways of talking about the future in Spanish, and depending on which one we use we will transmit a different level of certitude. Look at the example and let’s see how they work.

Ways of talking about the future in Spanish

1. Present tense to talk about future

In Spanish, just as in English, you can often use the present tense (learn more about the present tense) to refer to something that is going to happen in the future, it is mainly for a timetable or things that have been scheduled.

Tomamos el tren de las doce (We’re getting the twelve o’clock train).

Mañana voy a la playa (Tomorrow I go to the beach).

2. Ir a + infinitive

In English, we often use «going to» with an infinitive to talk about the immediate future or our future plans. In Spanish, you can use the present tense of ir + a + an infinitive (learn more about the periphrasis ir a +infinitive).

Vamos a perder el tren ¡Date prisa! (We are going to miss the train, hurry up!).

Voy a viajar mañana (I am going to travel tomorrow).

3. Future Simple

We can also use the proper future tense called FUTURO SIMPLE or IMPERFECTO (learn more about the future tense in Spanish) to refer to something that will happen or will be true in the future.

Supongo que mi hermano estará aquí pronto (I suppose that my brother will be here soon).

Te llamaré mañana, si tengo tiempo (I will give you a call if I have time).

No sé cuando terminaré los ejercicios (I don’t know when I will finish the exercises).


Different ways to speak about the future, exercises

Now you can practice everything that you have learned about the different ways of talking about the future in Spanish with the quiz below and don’t forget you can contact your tutor if you have any questions. Don’t you have a Spanish personal tutor yet?

Let us know if you want we prepare more exercises about this topic. Thanks for helping us to improve.

2 comentarios en «Ways of talking about the future: Spanish grammar (A2)»

  1. Muy bien Grabrielle, Este día es «hoy» y suena más natural. No dudes en dejarnos mensajes con tus preguntas.

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