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A woman has just bought clothes and is going to pay. You are going to listen to a conversation with the shop-assistant. What did she buy? How much does each thing cost? Listen to the audio and answer the questions below.

Maybe you want to go over vocabulary related to clothing and numbers first. Finally, check your answers and read the transcription

Podcast ¿cuánto cuesta?

Answer the questions

After listening to the podcast, read these statements, and decide if they are TRUE or FALSE. Try to explain why.

01. El traje de caballero cuesta 150 euros.

02. Cada camisa cuesta 20 euros.

03. El vestido marrón cuesta 80 euros.

04. Los pantalones vaqueros son 40 euros.

05. El abrigo de caballero cuesta 110 euros.

06. La chaqueta naranja vale 100 euros.

07. La falda roja cuesta 35 euros.

08. Las botas negras cuestan 37 euros.

09. El total de la factura es 576 euros.

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