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Mood in Spanish -estados de animo- Vocabulary A2

Today we are going to talk about how to describe our mood in Spanish: LOS ESTADOS DE ANIMO. Students registered in our Premium Service can get a copy of our pdf sheets, just by leaving a message in the comment, it will help you to memorize the vocabulary. Once you feel confident with the vocabulary you can continue with the quizzes you have below.

These are adjectives are used with the verb ESTAR because they describe a temporal state of mind, while with the verb SER we talk about people’s personalities, and learn more about the use of SER vs ESTAR. On the other hand, if you want to practice this vocabulary in context, listen to the podcast ¿qué te pasa? (what happen to you?)

Exercises about the mood in Spanish

Time to practice the vocabulary with some interactive exercises, practice as much as you can, and remember to contact your tutor if you have any questions. Don’t you have a Spanish tutor yet?

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