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Numbers from 0 to 19 in Spanish with flashcards (A1)

Spanish Numbers to 19 are probably the hardest to learn but also the ones you are going to use the most. Practice as much as you can until you feel confident to use them and identify them too. Remember that practice makes perfect!

Practice the Spanish numbers from 0 to 19 with flashcards

Our today challenge is going to be quite easy but terribly important, we are going to work the first 20 numbers in Spanish. Remember to practice as much as you can and repeat after each audio. Pay special attention to numbers with diphthongs, such as seis, siete, nueve…

Make sure you have learned the numbers with this mini-test

Answer the questions in this mini-test, if you feel you have to review a little more, come back to the flashcards. It is a fun way to learn new vocabulary.

Learn more numbers in Spanish

Now you know well these numbers. Click on the link if you want to continue working with more Spanish numbers, even to download a pdf sheet. There is also this video, especially for English speakers, that you can find useful  (Give me your opinion, I always try to find the best free resources online for you).  Finally, and most important, remember to contact your tutor if you have any questions about numbers in Spanish. Don’t you have a Spanish tutor yet?

List of  Spanish numbers to 19

Notice that the number «dieciséis» has an accent, that it is not in the number «seis»

Learn numbers from 0-19 in Spanish




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