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20 Spanish stem-changing verbs E to IE with flashcards

Stem-changing verbs E to IE in the present tense

Practice these 20 infinitives of stem-changing verbs as much as you can and repeat aloud each one after listening to it, to improve your pronunciation.

Make sure you have learned the previous  20 Spanish infinitives with this mini-test

Here you have different activities to check if you have learned all the infinitives in the previous flashcards.


How to form stem-changing verbs e to ie

All the verbs in the activities above have the same stem-changing irregularities in the present tense (notice that nosotros and vosotros are regulars), as you can see in the example (see verb querer conjugations). They all have an «e» in their penultimate syllable CAN-LEN-TAR, EM-PE-ZAR, CE-RRAR…, many verbs with this peculiarity are irregular but not all of them, for instance, cenar (have dinner), quemar (to burn) leer (to read), aprender (to learn), llegar (arrive), creer (to believe)…, are regulars, so you have to learn the list of irregular by heart.  Click on the link if you want to learn more about stem-changing verbs in Spanish. and remember you can contact you Spanish tutor with any question you have. Don’t you have a Spanish tutor yet?

Stem-changing verbs e to ie in Spanish. Learn how they work

Here you have some examples:





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