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Spanish future tense: grammar made easy (A2)

In English, you can form the future tense by putting will or its shortened form “ll» before the verb. To form the SPANISH FUTURE TENSE you have to change the verb endings. So, just as «hablo» means I speak, «hablaré» means I will speak or I shall speak. This tense is called  «FUTURO SIMPLE O IMPERFECTO» in Spanish.  As you can see below, to form the future tense of regular –ar, -er, -ir verbs, add the following endings to the infinitive of the verbs: -é, -ás, -á, -emos, -éis, -án.
Learn how to use the SPANISH FUTURE TENSE

Irregular verbs in the future tense with examples

As you have probably noticed in the chart. There are only 12 verbs irregulars that DO NOT use their infinitives as the stem for the future tense, but they use the same ending as the regulars. Look at the examples to see the differences between the regular and irregular verbs in the Spanish future tense:

No volverá a ese lugar (He won’t come back to this place).

¿Estudiarás francés este año? (Will you study French this year?).

Lo haré mañana (I will do it tomorrow).

No podremos hacerlo (We won’t be able to do it).

Comeremos en casa de mis padres (We’ll eat at my parent’s house). 

¿A qué hora vendrás? (At what time you will come).

Note that in the  Spanish future tense (regular and irregular) only the nosotros/nosotras forms don’t have an accent.

When to use the simple future tense in Spanish

1. In general, we are going to use the simple future tense in Spanish to say what we think it will happen, but also to express an intention or a probability, to make a promise, also to talk about events that will probably happen depending on conditions:

Creo que Fernando y Marta se casarán el año que viene (I think Fernando and Martha will get married next year).

Te prometo que iremos de vacaciones pronto (I promise to you that we will go on holidays soon).

Si terminas de trabajar pronto podremos ir al cine (If you finish working son we will go to the cinema).

2. You can use the simple future tense in Spanish to make a guess about the present or to make a hypothetical question. 

Gustavo tendrá 40 años, su hermana tiene 42 y es mayor (Gustavo will be 30 years old, his sister is 42 and she is a bit older).

¿Dónde estará Mercedes ahora? (Where Mercedes will be now?)

3. In English, you sometimes use will with the meaning of being willing to rather than simply to express the future. In Spanish you don’t use the future tense to say this; you use the verb querer (want) instead:

¿Me quieres esperar un momento? (Will you wait for me a moment, please?).

Finally, remember that there is another future tense called FUTURO IMPERFECTO O COMPUESTO.

Spanish future tense execises

Now it is time you practice everything you have learned about the SPANISH SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE with our quizzes, remember to contact your tutor with any question you have. Don’t you have a Spanish tutor yet?

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