Learn Spanish Online


In Learn Spanish Now Online the level of our activities and courses are organized according to internationally recognized standards, ensuring that you have an established reference for your Spanish level no matter where you are in the world. To do that, we use the guidelines provided by:

From completely beginner to mastering, the knowledge of the Spanish language is organized in 6 levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2, as you can see below.

Spanish levels description

Here you have a description of language ability on a scale of levels from completely beginners up to C2 (those who have mastered a language). This can help you not only to identify your level but to plan ahead your goals, exams preparation or choose the best resources for you.

Number of hours needed to move from levels

In Learn Spanish now online all our resources and courses are tailored with specific material to cover the topics you need to learn, so you can progress steadily in your learning, with a personal Spanish tutor that will help you to get your goal.

You can see the estimated hours to progress from one level to another  in the chart on the right. As you can see, the more advanced the learner is, the more hours are required to move upwards to the next classification.

Factors that determine your progress learning Spanish

The number of hours needed to progress in a language depends on various factors such as:

  • Your native language: If your native language is related to Spanish in some degree (if you already speak a Romance language which include French, Portuguese and Italian), then you will learn easier and faster as you will recognize vocabulary and grammar rules.
  • Knowledge of other languages: If you are an experienced language learner and you know two or more languages, you will be able to acquire a new language more rapidly even when this other language has nothing to do with Spanish.
  • Living in or travelling often to a Spanish speaking country: The conversation practice that you get by merely living amongst Spanish speakers is invaluable.
  • Time for self-study: The more time you invest doing self-study the faster you will be able to progress; this is why the free resources that we publish in our blog can really make the difference.
  • Opportunity to practice Spanish with people other than your tutor: Being exposed to other accents will help you improve your listening skills tremendously!
  • Motivation to learn Spanish: A strong motivation is the secret ingredient to learn any language. If you are determined to obtain good results and/or have a real need to use your Spanish, there is a lot more chance of success.
  • Your age: Language specialists say that age is an important factor in acquiring a new language. Although many say that the younger you are the better, we can say without doubt that it is never too late to learn a new language. it’s all a matter of focus and find the right tools, and with Easy Spanish you are in good hands.

Take a Spanish level test

In Learn Spanish Now Online, we offer you the possibility to test your Spanish level in 3 different ways:

1. We have created four different tests according to levels A1, A2, B1 and B2, each one has 16 questions. If you get an average of more of 80%, try the next test, if you get less than 40% move to the previous one.

2. Free online test developed by Instituto Cervantes. You need to complete the whole test to obtain an approximate rating of your Spanish language skills, that will take you around 45 minutes minimum. Remember that if you want the result to reflect your level of Spanish more accurately, you must take the test only once, and do not use a dictionary. Are you ready? Go to the Cervantes test 

3. The previous tests will measure approximates your Spanish level as it doesn’t assess all skills. However, if you decide to register in our premium service or in one of our courses, your personal tutor will assess all your Spanish skills in a more accurate way. Contact us for more information.

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