EMPEZAR LA CASA POR EL TEJADO, learn Spanish idioms (A2)

Do you know how to say in Spanish «To put the cart before the horse«?

it is said

Empezar la casa por el tejado.

(to begin the house with the roof)


Decidir que te vas a poner antes incluso de que te hayan invitado a la fiesta, es empezar la casa por el tejado (Deciding what to wear before you have even been invited to the party is rather putting the cart before the horse).

No empieces la casa  por el tejado invirtiendo en un coche nuevo antes de vender el antiguo (Don’t put the cart before the horse by investing in a new car before selling the old one).

Please contact your tutor if you have any questions about how to use this Spanish idiom. Don’t you have an online Spanish tutor yet?

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