¿Te gustan los animales?, porque en esta lección vamos a aprender el nombre de algunos animales y su forma masculina y femenina. ¡Vamos allá!
1. In English you can choose between words like bull o cow, depending on the gender of the animal. In Spanish, there are sometimes separate words for male and female animals too:
El toro (bull) La vaca (cow)
El gallo (cockerel) La gallina (hen)
El caballo (horse) La yegua (mare)
El carnero (ram) La oveja (sheep)
El macho cabrío (billy) La cabra (goat)
El tigre (male tiger) La tigresa (female tiger)
2. Very often, the same word with different endings is used for male and female animals.
El perro, la perra (dog)
El gato, la gata (cat)
El mono, la mona (ape, monkey)
El oso, la osa (bear)
El león, la leona (lion, lioness)
El conejo, la coneja (rabbit)
3. Words for other animals don’t change according to the gender of the animal, just learn the Spanish name of the animal. If you want to specify their gender, you just have to put the words «macho» or «hembra» after the name.
El sapo (toad)
El hámster (hamster)
La cobaya (guinea pig)
La tortuga (tortoise)
El tiburón (shark)
El cuervo (crow)
Here you have some interactive exercises to practice what you have learned, you can find more activities about animals by clicking on the link. Finally, remember, you can contact your tutor with any questions you have. Don’t you have a Spanish personal tutor yet?