Prepositional pronouns in Spanish are used after prepositions but only when talking about people or animals. In fact, most of them are the same as the subject pronouns, except for mí, ti, and sí.
List of Spanish prepositional pronouns
- mí (me)
- ti (you – familiar singular)
- él (him/it )
- ella (her/it)
- sí (self – only used for a true reflexive situation)
- usted (you – formal singular)
- nosotros/as (us)
- vosotros/as (you – familiar plural)
- ellos/ellas (them)
- sí (selves – only used for a true reflexive situation)
- ustedes (you – formal plural)
Prepositional Pronouns Spanish – English examples
Look at the examples:
Pienso en ti (I think about you).
Quiero ir a Madrid con ellas (I want to go to Madrid with them).
¿Vamos con ustedes? (Are we going with you).
¿Las flores son para mí? (Are the flowers for me?)
These pronouns are often used for emphasis and they are not translated into English:
¿A ti no te llaman? (Don’t they phone to you?).
A mí no me gusta (I don’t like it).
Conmigo, contigo, consigo mismo…
The preposition con (with) has three special forms: conmigo (with me) and contigo (with you – singular familiar form) and consigo, which is only used for true reflexive situations:
¿Quieres venir conmigo? (Do you want to come with me).
Iremos contigo (we will go with you).
Necesita pasar tiempo consigo mismo (He needs to spend time with himself).
Prepositions entre (between, among), hasta (even, including), salvo (except), menos (except) and según (according to) are always used with the subject pronouns (yo and tú) rather than with the prepositional pronouns (mí and ti).
Entre tú y yo (Between you and me).
Hasta yo puedo hacerlo (Even I can do it).
Todos menos yo (Everybody except me).
Pronouns after a preposition exercises
Here you have a couple of exercises to practice the prepositional pronouns in Spanish, don’t forget to contact your tutor if you have any question. Don’t you have a Spanish tutor yet?