Spanish superlative can express an ultimate degree of something. In Spanish, you can do it just by adding –ísimo to an adjective. When the adjective finishes in a vowel this is dropped:
especial (special) = especialísimo.
bello (beautiful) = bellísimo.
How to form the Spanish superlative
1. There are some irregulars, for instant adjectives ending in -able end with –bilísimo/a.
agradable (nice): agradabilísimo.
amable (lovely): amabilísimo.
notable (remarkable): notabilísimo.
miserable (miserable): misirabilísimo.
2. Other adjectives change their spelling to keep the sound the same: co changes to qu, go to gu, and z to c.
Roberto quiere hacerse rico… riquísimo. (Roberto wants to become rich… ultra rich.)
Es un viaje larguísimo. (It’s really long journey.)
Son muy felicísimos desde que se casaron. (They are extremely happy since they got married.)
3. Finally, a few irregulars -ísimo forms don’t follow any patterns.
Antiguo (ancient): antiquísimo.
Caliente (hot): calentísimo.
Joven (young): jovencísimo.
Mísero (meager): misérrimo.
Pobre (bad quality): paupérrimo.
5. Remember that, if you’re not sure how to use the -ísimo superlative, you can always use the muy + adjective to express.
Yolanda tiene una casa muy grande /grandísima. (Yolanda has a very big house.)
Son muy felices /felicísimos desde que se casaron. (They are very happy since they got married.)
Now it is time to practice everything you have learned about the Spanish superlative with some exercises. Don’t forget you can contact your tutor with any questions you have about this topic or ask for more exercises. Don’t you have an online Spanish tutor yet?
If you want to learn more about the superlatives in Spanish you can watch the video: Superlativos relativos y absolutos. Where you will find more examples, the explanations are in Spanish but there are subtitles. Very useful too!