Today we are going to learn the name of colors in Spanish. Colors are everywhere, so learning this vocabulary is essential if you want to speak Spanish and describe things. To begin with, we have created a nice sheet with the name of the most common colors. If you want a copy of the pdf sheet on the right, just leave us a message in the comments and we will send it to you.
Along with the infographic with the colors in Spanish, in this post you will find a video with some ideas on how to use colors and for you to practice pronunciation, we have also added some tips and examples and, finally, some quizzes to practice everything you have learned ¡Vamos a empezar!

How to use colors in Spanish
Remember that colors are adjectives, which means that, in Spanish, they change in gender and number according to the noun:
- Una manzana roja (a red apple).
- Un coche rojo (a red card).
- Unos zapatos rojos (some red shoes).
- Unas flores rojas (some red flowers).
Although only those ending in “o” will change to “a” to make the feminine (blanco, negro, rojo, amarillo…), as you can see above. Colors with other endings (azul, verde, gris, rosa…) will remain unchanged (click here to learn more about adjectives in Spanish).
- Una manzana verde (a green apple).
- Un coche verde (a green car).
- Unos zapatos verdes (some green shoes).
- Unas verduras verdes (some green vegetables).
When we want to describe the colors of something we are going to use verb «ser» + color:
- El cielo es azul (the sky is blue).
- Los tomates son rojos (tomatoes are red).
- El cielo está gris hoy (the sky is grey today).
- Los tomates están verdes (tomatoes are green -they are not ripe).
3. Nombre + color:
- La flor amarilla (the yellow flower).
- La Casa Blanca (The White House).
- Ponerse morado.
- Quedarse en blanco.
- Estar en número rojos.
- Comerse un marrón.
Tone and intensity of colors in Spanis
If we want to give different tones, shades and intensities to the colors, we can use the expressions: claro (light), oscuro (dark), fuerte (bright):
- Quisiera una camisa azul oscuro (I would like a dark blue shirt).
- Me he comprado una chaqueta gris claro (I bought a light gray jacket).
- Lleva un sombrero rojo fuerte (She is wearing a bright red hat).
Other colours in Spanish
We often use the name of some distinctive objects as colors, below you can see some examples:

Color café

Color berenjena

Color violeta

color melocotón
Exercises with Spanish colors
Here you have 5 quizzes to practice everything you have learned about colors in Spanish.
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