Nature in Spanish -La Naturaleza- Spanish vocabulary A2

Do you know how to speak about NATURE IN SPANISH?

Nature in Spanish. Learn vocabulary with quizzesNature in Spanish is said    «LA NATURALEZA«. Here you have more  Spanish vocabulary related to nature. First, if you want a copy of the pdf sheet, just leave us a message in the comments and we will send it to you, and when you are more familiar with the vocabulary practice what you have learned with the quizzes below.

To learn more about this topic, you can also listen to the podcast «las estaciones (the seasons)» or learn more vocabulary about «los insectos (insects)«, just click on the links again to get to these lessons.

Practice the  Spanish vocabulary about «nature» with our interactive activities

Before doing the exercises, remember you can contact your tutor for any question you have about this topic. Don’t you have a Spanish personal tutor yet? 

Spanish to English list of words related to NATURE

Archipielago (m)ArchipelagoArchipelArchipelArcipelago
Bahía (f)BayBaieBuchtVaia
Cabo (m)CapeCapKapCapo
Cima (f)SummitSommetGipfelCima
Colina (f)HillCollineHügelCollina
Cordillera (f)Mountain rangeChaine de montagenesGebirgsketteCatena montuosa
Desierto (m)DesertDésertWüsteDeserto
Estrecho (m)StraitDétroitMeerengeStretto
Estuario (m)EstuaryEstuaireFlussmündungEstuario
Glaciar (m)GlacierGlacierGietscherGhiacciaio
Golfo (m)GulfGolfeGolfGolfo
Isla (f)IslandIleInselIsola
Lago (m)LakeLacSeeLago
Mapa  físico (m)Physical mapCarte PhysiquePhysische KarteCarta fisica
Mar (m)SeaMerMeerMare
Meseta (f)PlateauPlateauPlateauAltipiano
Montaña (f)MountainMontagneBergMontagna
Oceáno (m)OceanOcéanOzeanOceano
Península (f)PeninsulaPéninsuleHaibinselPeninsola
Río (m)RiverFleuveFlussFiume
Valle (m)ValleyValléeTalValle
Volcán (m)VolcanoVolcanVulkanVulcano
Arroyo (m)BrookRuisseauBachRuscello
Llanura (f)PlainPlaineFlachlandPianura
Cascada (f)WaterfallChute d’eauWaserfallCascata


NATURALEZA (nature) vocabulary in Spanish (A2)

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