Cognates are the fastest and easiest way to learn Spanish vocabulary! Because you can tap into thousands of Spanish words with very little effort. Today we are going to see some English-Spanish cognates ending in -mente, They are adverbs, and I am sure that you are going to find very familiar and very terribly useful, but first, do you know what a cognate is?
Cognates are words that sound the same (or almost the same) and have the same meaning in two languages. If you’re beginning to learn Spanish, rest easy, as it’s one of the easiest languages for English speakers to pick up, since Spanish and English are full of them.
ist of English-Spanisn cognates ending in -mente
Let’s see some examples in context:
Hemos tenido algunos problemas recientemente (We have had some problems recently).
Fernando respondió a todas las preguntas correctamente (Fernando answered all the questions correctly).
Tenemos que terminar este trabajo completamente (We have to finish this job completely).
Estos ejercicios son terriblemente útiles (These exercises are terribly useful)
Click on the links if you want to learn more about how Spanish adverbs work or to learn more Spanish adverbs ending in -mente. Please, leave us a message if you want we prepare more post like this.
Careful with false friends
Existen muchos cognados entre el español y el inglés, pero ten cuidado porque también hay algunos falsos amigos, como por ejemplo «actually«. Actually in Spanish is traslated «en realidad o realmente» while the Spanish word «actualmente» means «at present or currently»:
La situación económica es bastante precaria actualmente (The economic situation is delicate at present).
Mi apellido parece español, pero en realidad es portugués (My last name looks Spanish, but actually, it’s Portuguese).
Exercises to practice the cognates
Time to practice the vocabulary with a crossword, you will see the English adverb and you will have to write its Spanish translations. Remember to contact your tutor if you have any question about Spanish cognates ending in -mente. Don’t you have a Spanish tutor yet?, and leave us a message if you want we create more post about cognates.