You will probably already have come across the phrase me gusta… meaning I like… Actually, gustar means literally to please, and works also like this verb, where the thing that you like is the subject of the sentence:
Nos gusta el flamenco (We like flamenco or literally “flamenco pleases us”).
Even though flamenco comes after gustar is the subject of the sentence and therefore the ending of the verb agrees with flamenco instead of with us. Remember how it works (learn more about gustar).
There are many other verbs like gustar in Spanish (verbs that have to be used with an indirect object pronoun) In fact, practically most of the Spanish verbs can be used like gustar, but careful because they usually change their original meaning. Let’s see some of them.
Ver like gustar list and example
• Encantar (to love)
Me encanta aprender español (I love learning Spanish).
Le encantan los animales (I love animals).
• Quedar (to have left)
A Lola le quedan dos años para terminar sus estudios (Lola has two years left before finishing her studies).
Solo nos queda un kilómetro (We’ve only got one kilometer left).
• Doler (to hurt)
Me duele la espalda (My back is hurting me).
Le dolían las muelas por eso fue al dentista (He went to the dentist because his teeth hurt).
• Interesar (to interest)
Me interesa este libro (This book interests me).
Te interesarán sus noticias (His news will interest you).
• Importar (to matter)
No me importa tu opinión (Your opinión doesn’t matter to me).
Me importan mucho mis estudios (My studies matter to me a lot).
• Faltar (to be short of, to lack)
A mi chaqueta le faltan dos botones (My jacket has two buttons missing).
Le falta un diente (He had one tooth missing).
• Hacer falta (to need)
Nos hace falta un coche nuevo (We need a new car).
Nos hacen falta libros (We need books).
• Parecer (to think of)
¿Qué te parece si vamos a España de vacaciones? (How about going on holidays to Spain?).
Click on the link to learn and practice more about verb gustar and verb doler
More verbs with indirect object pronouns
- Apasionar (to love passionately).
- Apetecer (to feel like).
- Disgustar (to dislike, to hate).
- Molestar (to bother).
- Sobrar (to have more than enough).
- Tocarle a alguien (to be one’s turn).
Practice with verbs like gustar
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