Introduce yourself in Spanish must be one of our main priorities when learning Spanish since the first impression is so important, and this is what we are going to do with this video with subtitles. Before starting with the video look at the vocabulary below, then watch the video as many times as you need and try to repeat. Finally, practice everything you have learned with the quizzes. Are you ready to start?
- Bienvenido(s): welcome.
- Noticias: news.
- Periodista: journalist.
- Compañero: fellow, comrade.
- Actriz: actress.
- Nombre: name.
- Apellido: family name.
- Reportero (a): reporter. ejercicios
- Arroba: @
Introduce yourself in Spanish exercises
Now if you have watched the video several times and checked the vocabulary, it is time you practice everything you have learned with these Spanish quizzes. Remember you can repeat them as many times as you want and even print them. When you finish you will be able to introduce yourself in Spanish quite confidently.
Taking about nationality and profession
When we introduce ourselves we usually say our name (here you have a video that explains everything you need), profession, and nationality. Click on the links to learn more about these topics. It is especially important you learn verb SER conjugation in the present tense and you need to become very confident with numbers from 0-9, so that will help you to say your telephone number when someone asks you ¿Tienes teléfono? ¿Cuál es tu teléfono? Finally, remember to write your tutor with any questions you have. Don’t you have a Spanish tutor yet?