Supermarket in Spanish -El supermercado- Spanish vocabulary A2

Do you know how to speak about a SUPERMARKET IN SPANISH?

Supermarket in Spanish is said, «EL SUPERMERCADO«, Let’s learn vocabulary related to «el supermercado«. Students registered in our Premium Service can get a copy of our pdf sheets, just by leaving a message in the comment. After that practice with our quizzes below. 

Before going to the supermarket it is important to know what to buy and prepare a shopping list, this is what we are going to learn by watching the video «la lista de la compra«.


Market in Spanish: Mercado vs Supermercado

Prefieres comprar en el mercado o en el supermercado. A mí me gusta más el supermercado porque prefiero elegir las tiendas (shops) donde compro y tener una relación más personal con los dependientes (shop assistants). En España los mercados son muy populares, en este vídeo puedes ver gente comprando en un mercado de Barcelona.

¿Quieres repasar el vocabulario relacionado con la fruta?

Practice Supermarket vocabulary in Spanish with our quizzes

Now it`s time to practice what you have learned with our interactive exercises, and don´t forget to contact your tutor with any questions you have or to ask for more homework. Don’t you have a Spanish personal tutor yet?



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