Restaurant in Spanish -en el restaurante- Vocabulario A2

In the restaurantDo you know what vocabulary to use in a restaurant in Spanish? This is what we are going to learn today. First, if you want a copy of the pdf sheet, just leave us a message in the comments and we will send it to you, print it and study the vocabulary, once you feel confident, you can practice everything you have learned with the quizzes below.

It is not only about learning vocabulary by heart, but you also need to see the vocabulary in context so you can listen to the podcast «‘En el restaurante»  and watch the video «comer fuera» or you can see more related vocabulary «On the table (en la mesa)«.

Exercises about things you can find in a restaurant in Spanish

Time to check if you have learned all the vocabulary in the sheet. Anyway, remember you can contact your tutor with any question you have. Don’t you have a Spanish tutor yet?



Comer en un restaurante (B1)

¿Te apetece ir de tapas? Te proponemos un vídeo con el que aprenderás no solo a pedir comida en un restaurante, sino también a expresar deseos, opiniones y valoraciones. Es más avanzado que la primera parte, porque vas a necesitar usar el subjuntivo, pero puedes seguirlo si quieres sin prestar mucha atención (pay too mucha attention) a la gramática. Haz clic para descargarte la guía didáctica de la actividad, la transcripción y las soluciones.



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